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Passionate about aesthetics

Why Miss_.ON?

Thanks to her background as a horse trainer has long experience working with animals and bringing the best out of them. 

Has the patience to wait for the best moment. Knows how to listen to the needs of your pets and will handle them with lots of care. 


As she has been working with animals for more than 10 years, has also coached many children and adults during this time and beyond. No just teaching how to ride, but also teaching how to perform on the stage or in front of the camera. Very useful skills when posing for a photoshoot or enhancing a product for your business.


As much as it seems that you either follow a straight path to your goal, it turns out that all paths will help you get there

No matter how far the thread goes, it will always return to the sole.

People use to say 
That 'NO' is a negative word 
But I don't think so.


When you choose to close a door

You are leaving others open


So, when we don't know which path to take

Discarding might be a solution

So as many doors you will close

Much  more will bright the right one​


So isn’t then

to say ‘NO’

A positive action to fight for?






Observe, Listen & Feel
then Act.

Mum ;)

the Web

This web has been entirely developed by me as a proof of my skills and with the intention of showing my work as a portfolio,

where I have gathered academic, personal and professional projects.


For further information, collaborations or fees, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Thank you for your visit ;)

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